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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8869
概要:\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{moderncv}% moderncv themes\moderncvtheme[blue]{casual} % optional argument are 'blue' (default), 'orange', 'red', 'green', 'grey' and 'roman' (for roman fonts, instead of sans serif fonts)%\moderncvtheme[green]{classic} % 删掉此语句前的%,并在上一语句前加%,则变成另一模版.% character encoding\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % replace by the encoding you are using%


% moderncv themes
\moderncvtheme[blue]{casual}                 % optional argument are 'blue' (default), 'orange', 'red', 'green', 'grey' and 'roman' (for roman fonts, instead of sans serif fonts)
%\moderncvtheme[green]{classic}      % 删掉此语句前的%,并在上一语句前加%,则变成另一模版.

% character encoding
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}                   % replace by the encoding you are using

% adjust the page margins
%\setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{3cm}                     % if you want to change the width of the column with the dates
%\AtBeginDocument{\setlength{\maketitlenamewidth}{6cm}} % only for the classic theme, if you want to change the width of your name placeholder (to leave more space for your address details
%\AtBeginDocument{\recomputelengths}                     % required when changes are made to page layout lengths

% personal data

\firstname{John} \familyname{Doe}
\title{Resum茅 title (optional)}               % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\address{street and number}{postcode city}    % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\mobile{mobile (optional)}                    % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\phone{phone (optional)}                      % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\fax{fax (optional)}                          % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\email{email (optional)}                      % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\extrainfo{additional information (optional)} % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\photo[64pt]{picture}                         % '64pt' is the height the picture must be resized to and 'picture' is the name of the picture file; optional, remove the line if not wanted
\quote{Some quote (optional)}                 % optional, remove the line if not wanted

%\nopagenumbers{}                             % uncomment to suppress automatic page numbering for CVs longer than one page

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Tag:英文简历模板英文简历范本,英文简历范文求职指南 - 求职简历 - 英文简历模板


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