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[10-10 21:38:48]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历模板   阅读:8801
概要:Name :_______ Sex: ___ Date of birth :__________ Address :_______________________________________ PC: 100028 Phone :010-6678xxx (H) ,010-6082xxx (O) EMAIL: xyz@263.net Intention job: Human Resources Department or other relevant competent Work experience: 2000.3 - date _______ Computer Assistant Human Resources Manager Responsible for the mobilization of internal staff, promotion, separation, such as approval of work / assist the Manager to carry
Name :_______
Sex: ___
Date of birth :__________
Address :_______________________________________
PC: 100028
Phone :010-6678xxx (H) ,010-6082xxx (O)
EMAIL: xyz@263.net

Intention job: Human Resources Department or other relevant competent

Work experience:

2000.3 - date _______ Computer Assistant Human Resources Manager
Responsible for the mobilization of internal staff, promotion, separation, such as approval of work / assist the Manager to carry out the work of staff performance / development of corporate human resource recruitment and management process / development of the company's annual training plan and oversee the implementation / set up the company's corporate culture / responsible staff re-education and retraining

1998.5 - 2000.2 ______ Communications Commissioner for Human Resources Recruitment
Responsible for the company to recruit the necessary personnel / new staff induction training and induction training

1996.10 - 1998.4 ______ Technology Development Company Marketing Marketing

Educational Background:

Graduate institutions:

______ University 1992.9 - 1996.7 Economics and Business Administration College of Business Administration


Beijing Municipal Labor Bureau 1999.9-2000.1 cadre of human resources certification training
1999.10 ______( China) Investment Co., Ltd. of human resources management training

English through the national CET CET by Beijing postgraduate degree in English examination, expression and Translation
Proficiency in the use of computer software and hardware installed capacity, the use of Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Office 2000, Adobe PhotoShop 5.5, Adobe PageMaker 6.0, Macromedia Dream Weaver 3.0 handy, and is learning HTML, JavaScript, ASP and so on.

Personal capacity:

Years of work experience so I am more familiar with human resource management theory, with the recruitment and House of practical experience, a wealth of market planning and business strategy experience, and from corporations and businesses a broad perspective of the work of the department. I have a high degree of professionalism and teamwork, practical work hard, get along well with colleagues, to obey orders, respect for leadership, like the completion of creative work.

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