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[10-10 21:24:44]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历表格   阅读:8771
概要:Full name: Piece *Sexual distinction: MaleThe age: 31Marriage deny: MaidenCitizenship: ChinaMobile telephone: 86-1391*** (Shanghai)Email: *@163.com.cnCareer Goal: Development of sale management, business affairs, investment, seek adviceEgo evaluation10 years above work experience is in industry of the fast consumable market, industrial product that pack and; of industry of sterilization of medical treatment thingsCreativity thinking and decision-

Full name: Piece *****

Sexual distinction: Male

The age: 31

Marriage deny: Maiden

Citizenship: China

Mobile telephone: 86-1391*********** (Shanghai)

Email: *************@163.com.cn

Career Goal: Development of sale management, business affairs, investment, seek advice

Ego evaluation

10 years above work experience is in industry of the fast consumable market, industrial product that pack and; of industry of sterilization of medical treatment things
Creativity thinking and decision-making, flexibility gets used to ability to bear enormous actuating pressure;
Outstanding communication and the business chance consciousness that manage ability and acumen, the survey of new product, new market / extend capacity;

The market of foreign capital of familiar and relevant industry and indigenous industry runs means and competitive strategy;

Knowledge of professional market sale strategy is mixed in theory practice respect, accumulate ecstasy view and group collaboration spirit;

Devote oneself to to become the leader of sale management and innovation, retain the susceptibility to vicissitude of the market and fast report ability.

Educational state

British ******* business school is industrial and commercial administrative Master MBA

Ranked Among The World S Top 100 Business Schools (Economist 2004); Ranked In The UK S Top 15 Business Schools (Financial Times 2001)

Undergraduate course of major of standard of economy of ********* law courtyard / the whole nation

Lawyer qualification

Working experience

(2004 of ********** limited company - up to now) China

Commerce director

The disinfection of sterilization of medical treatment things with the greatest whole world serves a company

Basically serve a client: (B2B) is strong unripe, green jade enlighten, 100 special, Kaidina

Report a line: Market of GM / Europe markets vice president

Subordinate: The client serves / business affairs support


Study Chinese market situation and investment climate, analytic competition circumstance, evaluate commerce to invest an opportunity, offer feasibility to study a report to board of directors and European headquarters;

Be in charge of the investment analysis of whole China market and business affairs running; Participate in electron beam project (invest 12 million euro) construction / finish, the project approving that promotes project of annulus oxygen ethane directly (invest 15 million euro)
Formulate market sale strategy, include market fixed position, promotion, client to develop plan, year the sale is forecasted and cost cost budget;

Build, maintain the strategic partner relationship with key client, the sterilization solution that offers a complete set of, microbial

The test serves with the appreciation such as content shedding;

****** (China) limited company (1999 - 2002)

District selling manager

One of beer beverage companies with the biggest Australia

Report a line: Sell chief inspector

Subordinate: The sale is in charge of / delegate, promotion is in charge of / delegate, sales promotion personnel

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