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[10-10 21:23:13]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历范文   阅读:8487
概要:Basic CV Name: xxx Nationality: Chinese Current location: Guangzhou National: Han Exit and Entry: Maoming Size: 162 cm 52 kg Marital status: unmarried Age: 22 years old Training Certification: Integrity badge: Job search intention and work experience Talent type: fresh graduates Position: Computer: Network Systems Management Computer Operator / Typist secretarial / clerical staff Work Experience: 0 Title: No Title Job type: full-time can be repor

Basic CV
Name: xxx
Nationality: Chinese
Current location: Guangzhou
National: Han
Exit and Entry: Maoming
Size: 162 cm 52 kg
Marital status: unmarried
Age: 22 years old
Training Certification:
Integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Talent type: fresh graduates
Position: Computer: Network Systems Management Computer Operator / Typist secretarial / clerical staff
Work Experience: 0 Title: No Title
Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time
Monthly requirements: 1500 - 2000 the hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou
Personal work experience:
Company Name: Guangzhou computer-song Lin
Beginning and ending date :2007-07 ~ 2007-09
Company nature: their industry: the computer industry
Positions: staff
Job Description: Department is responsible for some computer work repair and maintenance of network access.
Reasons for leaving:
Educational background
Graduate institutions: Guangdong Science and Technology Vocational College
Highest level of education: college graduates - 2008-06-01
Studies by one: Network Systems Management
Studies by two:
By education and training experience:
Start date 2005-09
Termination date 2008-06
Schools (institutions)
Professional Guangdong Vocational College of Science and Technology Network Management
Obtain the certificate diploma
Certificate No. 12572120080600xxxx

Language ability
Foreign Language:
English General
Mandarin level: good
Cantonese level: Excellent
The ability to work and other expertise
  Computer capability: network security management with knowledge of computer and network hardware and software troubleshooting has a wealth of practical experience, Windows2000, 2003 sever, xp installation maintenance, data backup, data recovery, system services, permissions settings, virus defense and killing, computer hardware and software maintenance of a variety of independent rule out the possibility of computer failure. Proficient in the maintenance and the setting up of local area network; understanding of Linux systems and the software installation, printer sharing, integrated wiring proficient, familiar with the TCP / IP protocol, and is familiar with the use of office software, office tools, familiar with the self-routing switch configuration also Office, photoshop, Dreamweaver software.
Detailed personal autobiography
  I am a serious and responsible matter, there is a strong learning ability, good communication skills for teamwork. Able to endure hardship and the collective passion, willing to submit to the needs of the collective interest.

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