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[05-11 15:20:13]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历范文   阅读:8694
概要:Name: Mr. Li XX National: Han Domicile: Zhongshan (Guangdong origin Wuchuan) Height and Weight: 163.com55 kg Marital Status: Single Age: 35 years old Graduate institutions: the Supreme Sun Yat-sen University Education: Undergraduate Specialties: International Accounting (computer) graduation date :1997-07-01 Degree: Bachelor of Economics Sun Yat-sen University 1993-09 to 1997-06 the International Accounting (Computer) Bachelor of Economics degree
Name: Mr. Li XX National: Han
Domicile: Zhongshan (Guangdong origin Wuchuan) Height and Weight: 163.com55 kg
Marital Status: Single Age: 35 years old
Graduate institutions: the Supreme Sun Yat-sen University Education: Undergraduate
Specialties: International Accounting (computer) graduation date :1997-07-01
Degree: Bachelor of Economics
Sun Yat-sen University 1993-09 to 1997-06 the International Accounting (Computer) Bachelor of Economics degree diploma certificate (Assistant Accountant certificate) certificate number: 0034440397124210
English: Certificate in English 4
Mandarin level: the level of good Cantonese: Good
Title: Assistant Accountant health status: A health certificate
Work experience:
2006-01 ~ new consultative letter G Guangzhou Ltd. Software Development Engineer
Three-tier structure of the development of Chinese medicine MIDAS Invoicing ERP, multiple audit function. Delphi7 + MsSQLServer2000 + FastReport, with the management of the development of WINCVS. DELPHI with the development of telephone voice processing card program, that is, the procedure switches switchboard. The development of the computer via SMS cat procedures to send and receive SMS, mass SMS function there. FastReport development with statements Invoicing system, with the development of network communication INDY components, such as IndyFTP, IndyHttp, IndyTCP, IndySMTP, IndyPOP3, XMLDocument, socket, dbtreeview, F1Book6 Peer Group pieces.
2005-01 ~ 2006-01, Guangzhou Yuanyang Technology Co., Ltd. Software Development Engineer
DELPHI development with OK Karaoke song database software, the development of DVD with VC to AVI, the development of DVD using DELPHI to MP3, VCD to MP3, MP3 to WAV, mobile phone management software. OK karaoke song system in which software is to search the database WINDOWS directory and subdirectories in the file, the file path and file name and other information stored in the database used to look up. I am familiar with VC + +6.0 and MFC programming of WIN32. WIN32 familiar with the structure of the WindowProc and WinMain and RegisterClass, CreateWindow etc. API, with MFC of CFrameWnd, CFormView, CMenu, CDialog, CDocument, CSplitterWnd, CButton Class MFC, such as, for example, to SetDlgCtrlId and SetActiveView applications in a number of SDI switching CFormView with a dynamically created nested CSplitterWnd arbitrary partition SplitterBar form and so on.
2004-01 ~ 2005-01, Guangzhou City Development Co., Ltd. Cotan software engineer software development
Attendance and personnel responsible for the development of the system, canteen payment system, access control management system, project management, and other quarters.
Staff attendance system which include the following: minutes of connecting IC card reading and writing, there are scheduling table, it is necessary to deal with overtime, leave, field trips, late to leave early absenteeism, overtime and holidays, the inter-night shift and so on, there are wage projects, allows the user to custom formula calculation of wages. FastReport statements made by, C / S two-tier structure. Delphi6 + MsSQLServer2000

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