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[10-10 21:23:13]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历范文   阅读:8774
概要:Graduate institution: Wuhan University Profession: Electrical Engineering and Automation (minor in Business Administration) undergraduate Address: Wuhan University, Faculty of Engineering 2 Room 528 homes English level: CET6 computer level: 2 NCRE Origin: the city of Hubei Province, Canton Water | M | February 1986 | Han 13007129xxx (phone) | 027-871609xx | E-mail: msgzxsm@yahoo.cn Internship experience 1, Xiaogan City, Hubei Province Electric Po
Graduate institution: Wuhan University

Profession: Electrical Engineering and Automation (minor in Business Administration) undergraduate

Address: Wuhan University, Faculty of Engineering 2 Room 528 homes

English level: CET6 computer level: 2 NCRE

Origin: the city of Hubei Province, Canton Water | M | February 1986 | Han

13007129xxx (phone) | 027-871609xx | E-mail: msgzxsm@yahoo.cn

Internship experience

1, Xiaogan City, Hubei Province Electric Power Company (June 2008 - 2008 7 months)

Location: Xiaogan substation maintenance work area, Xiaogan City East Substation汈
Job Description: To understand the power companies the responsibility of departments and organizational structure; perceptual knowledge to work in all substations and related workflow, including running and following the security classes; to study the work of the power industry the security point of order.

2, Shenzhen, China Lite, Inc. (July 2008 - 2008 8 months)

Location: Nanshan District, Shenzhen Science and Technology Parks

Job description:

2.1, in the Automation Division, learning products FARAD200 use and set up methods and understand the relevant principles and production processes;

2.2, in the high-pressure promotion of the Department to understand the relevant cabinet grounding resistance calculation, tender production, sales-related skills;
2.3, accepted business etiquette, quality management, human resources management training class.

3, many done after school hours curriculum vitae, including the home, marketing, market research and so on, to learn communication skills and the importance of a strong will.

Degree programs

Wuhan University in September 2005 - July 2009

Electrical Engineering and Automation: Circuits, Electrical, circuit test technology, engineering, electromagnetic field, analog electronics, digital electronics, analog electronics experiments, the practice of electromagnetic field simulation, electronic design automation (EDA analog, digital) and its practice, electrical and Drag the practice of power, engineering, training, the basis of electrical engineering, digital electronics experiments, power electronics, power systems analysis, the principle of automatic control, Matlab language applications, the principle of relay protection, Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology, computer monitoring and control technologies.
Business Administration (minor): Marketing, micro-economics, management science, statistics, human resources management, macroeconomics, logistics management, accounting, operations management, strategic management, financial management, management information systems, e-commerce, organizational behavior, international business management.

Main skills
1, understanding of electrical engineering and automation professional and business management theory of professional knowledge;
2, skilled application of commonly used software such as Matlab, EDA, CAD;
3, to skilled Office series of office software applications;

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