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[10-10 21:23:13]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历范文   阅读:8774
概要:4, there is a certain sense of innovation, some of the mathematical modeling applications. Self-evaluation 1, like physical and chemical materials and concepts and to deal with the complexity of study design and principles of various types of machinery and equipment. 2, a strong curiosity, like the study, and the spirit of perseverance, like creative work. 3, good in real life, give play to their talent, willing to solve problems in life. 4, pers
4, there is a certain sense of innovation, some of the mathematical modeling applications.


1, like physical and chemical materials and concepts and to deal with the complexity of study design and principles of various types of machinery and equipment.

2, a strong curiosity, like the study, and the spirit of perseverance, like creative work.

3, good in real life, give play to their talent, willing to solve problems in life.

4, persistent, serious, tolerant, rational, and perseverance, a sense of responsibility towards others in good faith.

5, good at basketball, like sports and make friends by participating in activities, a certain degree of organizational capacity.

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