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[10-10 21:23:13]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英文简历范文   阅读:8219
概要: I was born in peasant family, born on the nature of the working people have - kind, honest. Earnestly asked their parents, let me do, hard life; a good school education, let me put the scientific theory of knowledge and skilled expertise to do a good everything; honest, down-to-earth character, let me in work with the leadership of my colleagues were living together harmoniously, very good all the tasks completed. I look forward to: there is a
   I was born in peasant family, born on the nature of the working people have ----- kind, honest. Earnestly asked their parents, let me do, hard life; a good school education, let me put the scientific theory of knowledge and skilled expertise to do a good everything; honest, down-to-earth character, let me in work with the leadership of my colleagues were living together harmoniously, very good all the tasks completed.
I look forward to: there is a suitable platform, with all my enthusiasm and wisdom to open up the full, hard work.
I firmly believe that: as long as the constant in the social melting pot in this study, the "heart" to the face of all that is bound to continue to overcome ourselves, beyond ourselves, step by step to success!

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