太古地产的培训生计划还是很吸引人的,前三年在香港接受轮岗和培训,基本工资3k,在港期间每月补贴1W港币。培训结束后回大陆工作。总的来说感觉www.77xue.com。就是不知道能不能过笔试关,算了,考完了就不想了。Bless me!贴出笔试题目看一
Written Test for Engineering Trainee 2007 Part I
INTEGRITY is one of our Key Values and ACTING ETHICALLY is one of our Leadership Practices.
Please elaborate the concepts from your perspective and quote one good example at personal andcorporate level respectively. Part II Please answer any 2 questions from the following
A. Discuss what Sustainable Development means to property developers and why they need to
be concerned about it.
B.Climate Change has become the focus of the world, can you give a comprehensive plan to the
management of your University on how the University can reduce the emission of Greenhouse Gas
during the daily operation of the University.
C.Explain in details with related theories why water cooled chillers (cooled by cooling towers,
direct water cooled, etc.) are more energy efficient than air cooled chillers.~ End ~
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