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[10-10 21:21:19]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  笔试经验   阅读:8438
概要:毕马威 (KPMG)笔试考察的是基本能力:英语、逻辑和对数字的捕捉能力等。 KPMG 的笔试分为数学和英语。以某年的英语试题为例:“The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is that nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to run. So disputes over the relative efficiency of the two systems revolve not just around the prices of coal and uranium today and tomorrow, but also around the way in which future income should be compared with cur

毕马威 (KPMG)

笔试考察的是基本能力:英语、逻辑和对数字的捕捉能力等。 KPMG 的笔试分为数学和英语。以某年的英语试题为例:

“The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is that nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to run. So disputes over the relative efficiency of the two systems revolve not just around the prices of coal and uranium today and tomorrow, but also around the way in which future income should be compared with current income.”

The main difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is an economic one.


就是读完这一段话 后判断 是对、是错、还是无法判断。

题目虽然简单,但是题量比较大,要在 30 分钟内作完 11 段,每段 2~3 道小题。所以一定要掌握好时间,做题速度一定要快,尽管做不完是再正常不过的事。

数学(全是图表题)有高一数学知识就可以解决,而且是中文的。要仔细,要快,才有可能做完,题目有的时候设计陷阱,问的东西其实不能全部从图表中看出来。 KPMG 对数学的要求不是很高,但是量大,准确性要高。

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