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[10-10 21:18:33]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  面试技巧   阅读:8559
概要:39. How much training do you think you'll need to become a productive employee? 在成为一名优秀的员工之前,你认为需要多长时间的 ?40. What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have? 你认为一个成功的经理应具备什么样的品质?41. Why do you want to work in the _____ industry? 你为什么会对本行业有兴趣?42. What do you know about our company? 你对我们公司了解些什么?43. Why are you interested in our company? 你为什么会对我们公司感兴趣?44. Do you have any location preferences? 你对工作地点有什么特殊要求吗?45. How familiar are you w

  39. How much training do you think you'll need to become a productive employee? 在成为一名优秀的员工之前,你认为需要多长时间的 ?

  40. What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have? 你认为一个成功的经理应具备什么样的品质?

  41. Why do you want to work in the _____ industry? 你为什么会对本行业有兴趣?

  42. What do you know about our company? 你对我们公司了解些什么?

  43. Why are you interested in our company? 你为什么会对我们公司感兴趣?

  44. Do you have any location preferences? 你对工作地点有什么特殊要求吗?

  45. How familiar are you with the community that we're located in? 你对我们所在的社区了解程度有多少?

  46. Will you relocate? In the future? 将来你会迁往别处吗?

  47. Are you willing to travel? How much? 你愿意去旅行吗?去多远

  48. Is money important to you? 金钱对于你来说很重要吗?

  49. How much money do you need to make to be happy? 多少薪金你会感觉满意

  50. What kind of salary are you looking for? 您的期望薪金是多少?



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