[10-10 21:18:33] 来源:http://www.77xue.com 面试问题 阅读:8663次
概要:英文笔试题1. Tranlation (Mandatory)CDMA venders have worked hard to give CDMA roaming capabilities via the development of RUIM-essentially, a SIM card for CDMA handsets currently being deployed in China for new CDMA operator China Unicom. Korean cellco KTF demonstrated earlier this year the ability to roam between GSM and CDMA using such cards.However,only the card containing the user’s service data can roam-not the CDMA handset or the user&rsqu
1. Tranlation (Mandatory)
CDMA venders have worked hard to give CDMA roaming capabilities via the development of RUIM-essentially, a SIM card for CDMA handsets currently being deployed in China for new CDMA operator China Unicom. Korean cellco KTF demonstrated earlier this year the ability to roam between GSM and CDMA using such cards.However,only the card containing the user’s service data can roam-not the CDMA handset or the user’s number (except via call forwarding).
2. Programming (Mandatory)
Linked list
a. Implement a linked list for integers,which supports the insertafter (insert a node after a specified node) and removeafter (remove the node after a specified node) methods;
b. Implement a method to sort the linked list to descending order.
3. Debugging (Mandatory)
a. For each of the following recursive methods,enter Y in the answer box if themethod terminaters (assume i=5), Otherwise enter N.
static int f(int i){
return f(i-1)*f(i-1);
static int f(int i){
if(i==0){return 1;}
else {return f(i-1)*f(i-1);}
static int f(int i){
if(i==0){return 1;}
else {return f(i-1)*f(i-2);}
b. There are two errors in the following JAVA program:
static void g(int i){
else {g(3*i);return;}
please correct them to make sure we can get the printed-out result as below:
3 10 5 16 8 4 2 1
将整数转换成字符串:void itoa(int,char);
1、10个人分成4组 有几种分法?
7 8 9 10
6 1 2 11
5 4 3 12
16 15 14 13
设“1”的坐标为(0,0) “7”的坐标为(-1,-1) 编写一个小程序,使程序做到输入坐标(X,Y)之后显示出相应的数字。
//example input and output
//in 1 2 3 out 1 3 1
//in 123456789 2 100 out 123456789 100 21
long mex(long a,long b,long c)
{ long d;
if(b==0) return 0;
if(b==1) return a%c;
d=mex(a,b/2,c); d*=d;这里忘了;d*=mex(a,b%2,c);d%=c;
return d;
int main(void)
{ long x,y,z;
{ if(scanf(%d %d %d,&x,&y,&z)>3) return 0;
if(x<0) { printf("too small");continue;}
if(y<0) { printf("too small");continue;}
if(z<1) { printf("too small");continue;}
if(y>z) { printf("too big");continue;}
if(z>1000000010) {printf("too big");continue}
printf(%d %d %d,x,z,mex(x,y,z);
根据这个程序,当已知一个输入,算出输出,如:输入 1 3 1 则输出 1 2 3 输入 123456789 100 21 输出 123456789 2 100
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