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(If you currently live farther away than what would be consi

[10-10 21:14:23]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  礼仪英语   阅读:8505
概要:(If you speak another language fluently, by all means say so. This is an asset. However, if you took Spanish or French in school but cannot remember more than two or three phrases, simply mention that you understand the language better than you speak it. Try this answer:) I studied ____________________ (Spanish/French/German) in ___________________ (high school/college) and enjoyed it. I'd like to get some language tapes and increase my fluen
(If you currently live farther away than what would be consi,标签:商务礼仪英语,西餐礼仪英语,http://www.77xue.com

(If you speak another language fluently, by all means say so. This is an asset. However, if you took Spanish or French in school but cannot remember more than two or three phrases, simply mention that you understand the language better than you speak it. Try this answer:)

I studied ____________________ (Spanish/French/German) in ___________________ (high school/college) and enjoyed it. I'd like to get some language tapes and increase my fluency.

Tag:礼仪英语商务礼仪英语,西餐礼仪英语求职指南 - 就业指导 - 礼仪英语
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