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[10-10 21:14:23]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  礼仪英语   阅读:8693
概要:Take a Half Day请半天假Instead of asking for a whole day off for your move, compromise and ask for a half day off. Offer to make up the time so the company does not suffer from you not being around. If you are moving in the summer and your company has summer hours, use your Friday off as the time to focus on your upcoming move instead of saving the work for the weekend. Speak with your HR department for more information about the options you may have

Take a Half Day

Instead of asking for a whole day off for your move, compromise and ask for a half day off. Offer to make up the time so the company does not suffer from you not being around. If you are moving in the summer and your company has summer hours, use your Friday off as the time to focus on your upcoming move instead of saving the work for the weekend. Speak with your HR department for more information about the options you may have for your move.

Ask for Help

Don't be afraid or too proud to ask for assistance. Your friends and family members will be more than happy to help you. They can help you pack and organize your stuff to make the moving process go quicker. They can also assist you without doing anything moving-related by watching your kids, cooking dinner while you pack, or tidying up any small messes around the house.

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