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[01-08 00:30:28]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  英语周记   阅读:8568
概要: 周记大全推荐 寒假英语周记 My fathers friend Wei Ran is from Beijing.He is so fat! About one hundred kg.Now he is staying at our home, and living at our home too.He eats much and much and much every meal.He looks very ..er..special..So when he walks on the street every body likes look at him.He has a super belly——very very..a large belly..Than our English teacher.He doesnt like hot——hate hot,and he likes swimm


    My fathers friend Wei Ran is from Beijing.He is so fat! About one hundred kg.Now he is staying at our home, and living at our home too.He eats much and much and much every meal.He looks very ..er..special..So when he walks on the street every body likes look at him.He has a super belly——very very..a large belly..Than our English teacher.He doesnt like hot——hate hot,and he likes swimming,of coures,he soon feels tired.
    He is funny,alwangs makes us happy.
    What a lovely fat man!

Tag:英语周记英语周记100字,英语周记80字周记大全 - 英语周记


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