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[06-21 12:07:42]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:8866
概要:feel needed 感到别人需要自己。此处是一个系动词,后面可以加形容词,名词,过去分词。I am feeling fine today.She walked along the river and felt a joy.He felt worried at that time.7. At the Children’s Hospital you can find children playing with cats, dogs, and goats, and riding horses.find… doing发现某人处于某种状态He found a number of people already working in the shop.He suddenly found his son smoking in the bathroom. 五. 课堂练习(一)用合适的形容词填空。1. Sally always works hard. I think she i
feel needed 感到别人需要自己。此处是一个系动词,后面可以加形容词,名词,过去分词。
I am feeling fine today.
She walked along the river and felt a joy.
He felt worried at that time.
7. At the Children’s Hospital you can find children playing with cats, dogs, and goats, and riding horses.
find… doing发现某人处于某种状态
He found a number of people already working in the shop.
He suddenly found his son smoking in the bathroom.
五. 课堂练习
1. Sally always works hard. I think she is _____________.

2. Ann’s moods don’t change suddenly for no reason. So I don’t think she is __________.
3. Lucy enjoys spending time on her own. She is a _________ girl.
4. John talks about himself a lot. I think he is too ____________ to be a good friend.
5. I find it easy to deal with plans that change. I’m a _________ person.
6. My sister is ___________. She often forgets important dates.
(二)用so, to, because填空。
1. Children can talk to animals _______ they can trust them.
2. Animals make children feel needed ______ they help to feed the animals.
3. Pets are good for children _______ they are good listeners.
4. I like cats ______ they are fun to play with.
5. The doctors are happy_____ the children feel better.
6. I want a cat _____ keep me company.
7. I bought a big dog _____ I feel safer now.
8. He bought a mouse_____ make his sister laugh.


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