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英语教案-Let’s play hopscotch.

[11-10 12:07:52]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  小学一年级英语教案   阅读:8521
概要:Let’s play hopscotch.朱英教学目的:1 Cultivate the students’ interesting about English learning.2 Enable the students’ ability of saying and playing hopscotch .教学重点:hop stop pick turn around Let’s play hopscotch.教学难点:Let’s play hopscotch. turn around教学具: ring toys balls教学方法:WLL CA TBL TPR教学时间:20分钟教学过程: 一、Revision.1、Greeting.2、Sing a song.colour balls二、Introduce the new language items.1、T picks up the rings and makes hopscotch then says: What’s t
英语教案-Let’s play hopscotch.,标签:小学英语教案,英语教案模板,pep小学英语教案,http://www.77xue.com

Let’s play hopscotch.



1 Cultivate the students’ interesting about English learning.

2 Enable the students’ ability of saying and playing hopscotch .


hop  stop  pick  turn around  Let’s play hopscotch.

教学难点:Let’s play hopscotch.  turn around

教学具: ring  toys  balls






2、Sing a song.----colour balls

二、Introduce the new language items.

1、T picks up the rings and makes hopscotch then says: What’s this?

It’s hopscotch.

Teach: hopscotch

2、Ss make the hopscotch together.

3、teach:  Let’s play hopscotch.

4、T plays hopscotch and says: hop  stop  pick  turn around

teach these words one by one.

5、Game: do and say.

6、Chant it .

Hopscotch., hopscotch., hop, hop, hopscotch.

Stop, pick, stop, pick, stop, stop, stop, pick.

Turn around, turn around, turn ,turn , turn around

Let’s play. Let’s play.  Let’s play hopscotch.

7、Ss play hopscotch and pick up the toys.

8、Play hop relay.

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Tag:小学一年级英语教案小学英语教案,英语教案模板,pep小学英语教案免费教案 - 英语教案 - 小学一年级英语教案
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