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七年级英语This is me教案

[11-10 12:34:20]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  七年级英语教案   阅读:8363
概要: (6)Eddie是Hobo的主人吗?是,但他不是个好主人。 。三、阅读理解My name is Mary. I am eleven. Ted is my brother. He is thirteen. We are in the same(同样的)school. My mother is a teacher. She is a teacher in our school. My father is a teacher, too. He is a Chinese teacher in a college(大学). I have a cat. Its name is Mimi. It is white. It is a nice cat. We are good friends. 用英语回答下列问题:41.How old is Mary? _____
七年级英语This is me教案,标签:初一英语教案,七年级下册英语教案,http://www.77xue.com
My name is Mary. I am eleven. Ted is my brother. He is thirteen. We are in the same(同样的)school. My mother is a teacher. She is a teacher in our school. My father is a teacher, too. He is a Chinese teacher in a college(大学). I have a cat. Its name is Mimi. It is white. It is a nice cat. We are good friends.
41.How old is Mary?  ________________________________
42.Who is Ted? ________________________________
43.Are Ted and Mary in the same schoool? ________________________________
44.What are their parents? ________________________________
45.What is the cat’s name? ________________________________

七年级英语This is me教案由www.77xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.77xue.com

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