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[05-11 15:20:13]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  笔试题目   阅读:8859
概要:虽然咱被微软给鄙视了,但是回来还是写了写最后一题的程序。当时只有半个小时,可我回来晃晃悠悠地写也写了起码多于1个小时……看来咱跟微软的要求差距还是蛮大的啊……哎……怨念…… // test.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。//#include "stdafx.h"#define BUFMAX 100//Find frequency of words of file-B.txt in file-A.txtvoid Find (string &filenameA, string &filenameB){ string tempA, tempB; char chA[BUFMAX], chB[BUFMAX]; int cnt = 0, match = 0; if ( (filenameA.length()==0) || (filenameB.length(



// test.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。

#include "stdafx.h"

#define BUFMAX 100

//Find frequency of words of file-B.txt in file-A.txt
void Find (string &filenameA, string &filenameB)
 string tempA, tempB;
 char chA[BUFMAX], chB[BUFMAX];
 int cnt = 0, match = 0;
 if ( (filenameA.length()==0) || (filenameB.length()==0) )
  cout << "Invalid input filename!" << endl;
  return ;
 ifstream infileA ( filenameA.c_str() );
 ifstream infileB ( filenameB.c_str() );

 if ( infileA.fail() || infileB.fail() )
  cout << "Cannot open input files!" << endl;
  return ;

 while ( getline(infileB, tempB) )
  memcpy ( chB, tempB.c_str(), tempB.length()+1 );
  cnt = 0;

  infileA.seekg (0, ios::beg);

  while ( !infileA.eof() )
   infileA >> tempA;
   if (tempA == tempB)
    memcpy (chA, tempA.c_str(), tempA.length()+1);

    match = 1;
    for (int i=0, j=0; ; i++, j++)

     if (!chB[i] && !chA[j])

     else if ( !( chB[i] && chA[j] ))
      match = 0;



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