Is the company publicly or privately owned? Owner(s)?
What are the products or services provided?
To what markets?
What were the annual sales last year?
Who is the president / CEO?
What are the areas for high growth in the company?
What is the company's biggest challenge?
What is the company's philosophy?
Who are their major competitors?
Who is the person responsible for the interviews?
What are the requirements for the position?
What are the future plans of the company? Growth?
What type of management style do they use?
What type of diversity do they have?
What is the employee's typical career path?
What is the employee's longevity and advancement rate?
职位名称: __________________________________________________________________
备选职位: __________________________________________________________________
目前正招聘该职位的公司有哪些: ______________________________________________
该职位所需要完成的工作任务: ________________________________________________
该职位所需学历: ____________________________________________________________
该职位所需工作经历:: ______________________________________________________
该职位所需技能和知识:_____________ _________________________________________
该职位在我所在地区的薪水待遇标准: __________________________________________
谁能告诉我更多关于该职位的信息: ____________________________________________
该职位吸引我的地方是哪些: _________________________________________________
该职位至少哪一点是吸引了我: ________________________________________________
如果我从事该职位,五年后我所收获的是什么: __________________________________
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