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[05-11 15:20:13]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  面试问题   阅读:8580
概要:• I'm relocating to this area due to family circumstances and left my previous position in order to make the move.• I've decided that is not the direction I want to go in my career and my current employer has no opportunities in the direction I'd like to head.• After several years in my last position, I'm looking for an company where I can contribute and grow in a team-oriented environment.• I am interested in

• I'm relocating to this area due to family circumstances and left my previous position in order to make the move.

• I've decided that is not the direction I want to go in my career and my current employer has no opportunities in the direction I'd like to head.

• After several years in my last position, I'm looking for an company where I can contribute and grow in a team-oriented environment.

• I am interested in a new challenge and an opportunity to use my technical skills and experience in a different capacity than I have in the past.

• I recently received my degree and I want to utilize my educational background in my next position.

• I am interested in a job with more responsibility, and I am very ready for a new challenge.

• I left my last position in order to spend more time with my family. Circumstances have changed and I'm more than ready for full-time employment again.

• I am seeking a position with a stable company with room for growth and opportunity for advancement.

• I was commuting to the city and spending a significant amount of time each day on travel. I would prefer to be closer to home.

• To be honest, I wasn't considering a move, but, I saw this job posting and was intrigued by the position and the company. It sounds like an exciting opportunity and an ideal match with my qualifications.

• This position seemed like an excellent match for my skills and experience and I am not able to fully utilize them in my present job.

• The company was cutting back and, unfortunately, my job was one of those eliminated.

Why were you fired?


Fired from your job? Don't know what to say in an interview? Career expert and author, Joyce Lain Kennedy, shares her twelve best job interview answers to the question "Why were you fired?"
Joyce Lain Kennedy is the nation's first syndicated careers columnist. Her work is distributed by Tribune Media Services and appears in more than 100 newspapers and Web sites. In addition, Joyce is author of eight career-related books including Job Interviews for Dummies, where you can read additional excellent interview advice, Cover Letters for Dummies and Resumes for Dummies.

Joyce Lain Kennedy's sample answers to the interview question "Why were you fired?"

• Being cut loose was a blessing in disguise.

• Now I have an opportunity to explore jobs that better suit my qualifications and interests. My research suggests that such an opportunity may be the one on your table. Would you like to hear more about my skills in working with new technology?

• My competencies were not the right match for my previous employer's needs but it looks like they'd be a good fit in your organization. In addition to marketing and advertising, would skills in promotion be valued here? www.77xue.com哦

• Although circumstances caused me to leave my first job, I was very successful in school and got along well with both students and faculty. Perhaps I didn't fully understand my boss's expectations or why he released me so quickly before I had a chance to prove myself.

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