Maybe you've been laid off from a high-paying job and prospects for similar positions are scarce. Perhaps you're looking for a greater work-life balance that only a step down the corporate ladder can provide. Or maybe you are considering trading your big-fish-in-a-small-pond experience to work for a large company.
Whatever the case, you may hear those dreaded words: "You're overqualified." And you need to know how to reply.
What Does 'Overqualified' Mean?
They say "overqualified." You say "experienced."
Why wouldn't a company want to hire someone with more-than-ample experience and skills?
A potential employer may be nervous that someone with a lengthy resume and extensive credentials will grow restless in a position that isn't challenging. Or they may be concerned that you're just looking for something to pass the time until a better job comes along.
If an employer expresses fear that you will leave once you find a "better" job, point to your past employment record (if appropriate). You can also offer to sign an employment contract.
An employer may also be worried that they can't pay your desired salary. If so, consider lowering your salary requirement. You can also point out, if it's true, how you may have cut costs at previous jobs.
Take It Down a Notch
Avoid setting off the "overqualified" alarm bells with your resume and cover letter.
Tailor your resume to the job description. Don't send a $100,000 resume for a $70,000 job. You can also omit part of an extensive job history if it isn't related to the job you're seeking. But do so carefully, making sure you don't leave any gaps on your resume.
Also remove what could be considered intimidating facts and details. If you're trying to get a job as an account executive at a small company, you may not want to include that you were, say, a Rhodes scholar. If you have an advanced degree that isn't relevant to the job, you may want to omit it too.
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