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[11-09 14:23:39]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  礼仪英语   阅读:8727
概要: | Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他走出电梯,刚好遇到美国同事Amy.(Office ambience)A:Hi Chen Hao, you look upset. What's wrong?C:电梯太挤了,我差点就没下来。A:Why couldn't you get off?C:我从一楼大厅上电梯的时候是第一个,所以就站到了最里面,到了三楼后,很多人挤进来,就把我堵在了里面。A:Sometimes people on elevators can be quite rude and treat others with sheer indifference. They don't seem to realize that the rules of manners apply to elevators as well.

| Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语


(Office ambience)

A:Hi Chen Hao, you look upset. What's wrong?

A:Why couldn't you get off?

A:Sometimes people on elevators can be quite rude and treat others with sheer indifference. They don't seem to realize that the rules of manners apply to elevators as well.

A:To start with, if you had waited to get on the elevator, you would have been near the front and not had to push your way through the crowd to exit.

A:There's always another elevator.

A:When you got on, you should have stepped to the side near the door so you would be out of the way of others trying to follow.

A:You reminded me. I am planning to see the new media exhibit on the 20th floor this afternoon. Would you like to go with me?


| Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语


A:At the least the man at the front of the elevator who was not getting off until the top floor was polite.

A:Another polite move when you are standing by the elevator panel is to figure out which buttons hold the doors open and which ones close them.

A:As an added courtesy, offer to push the appropriate floor for the people who can't reach the buttons.

A:One last thing...when the elevator arrives and the door opens, stand back. Give people room to exit. Besides if you don't, you could get run over.

C:Amy, 说了这么多,能总结一下坐电梯的规矩吗?
A:Elevator etiquette is simple. Be considerate. If you will be exiting soon, stand near the door. If you will be one of the last to get off, stand near the back.


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