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商务礼仪—— In the Home
1) The Right Time to Arrive
When invited to luncheon, dinner, or supper, it is very impolite to arrive late, as it is usually planned to have the meal at the exact hour given in the invitation.
2) In arrival
When you arrive, the hostess or some member of the family will probably meet you at the door and take your coat and hat. In the winter time you should dress more lightly than usually, as you may expect the rooms to be warmer than in most Chinese homes.
3) In a few minutes the hostess will ask her guests to come in to dinner. She may or may not ask each gentleman to take a lady in. If she does, the lady will take the gentleman''s arm as they walk into the dinning room. If she does not, the ladies will go in first, followed by the gentlemen. The hostess will either point out their seats to the guests as they come in or have a place card at each place with the guests name on it.
4) How Long to Stay
After the meal is over, it is not polite to leave for at least half an hour, lest you seem to have come only for the meal. An evening dinner invitation usually implies that you stay for the whole evening. The hostess often plans some after-dinner entertainment.
5) What to Say on Leaving
When leaving any kind of a party, a guest always expresses his appreciation to the hostess. Some such words as these are appropriate. "Thank you so much. I''ve had a delight evening."
商务礼仪—— Some Points for Men
1) With a Lady
Always allow the lady to precede you in places where one has to go before the other except in the following case: when getting off a street car, train, bus, or out of an automobile; when going up stair; when opening a heavy door. When you are walking along the street with a lady, always walk on the outside.
2) At a Dance
If you wish to dance with a certain lady, go to her, bow, and say:" May I have the pleasure of a dance?" www.77xue.com哦
| Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语
商务礼仪—— Personal Habits and Appearance
1) People judge you at first by what they see, so particular attention should be paid to your personal appearance.
2) Using a Handkerchief
Always carry a clean handkerchief. Do not use it while it is folded, and do not fold it after you use it.
In the West it is considered very impolite to spit, even upon the street.
4) Smoking
Smoking is very prevalent(普遍), both by men and by women. If you are a guest in a home where no others are smoking, it is better to refrain(忍住) from smoking, you may say, "Would you mind if I smoked?".
商务礼仪—— With Strangers and Friends
1) Lending and borrowing are more matters of principle in the West than in the East. Things borrowed in the West are definitely expected to be returned, whether it is fifty dollars or merely a friend''s pencil.
- 上一篇:商务礼仪:商务宴会上该怎样点酒?
- 商务礼仪系列介绍之商贸英语
- › 商务礼仪之Getting Noticed at Meetings in a Positive Way
- › 商务礼仪系列介绍之商贸英语
- › 商务礼仪:商务宴会上该怎样点酒?
- › 与人交往的商务礼仪
- › 商务礼仪:如何与人沟通?
- › 商务礼仪:名片的知识和礼仪
- › 商务礼仪系列(去老外家做客)
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