商务礼仪之Knowing Your Boundaries at Work
(Office ambience)
C:早上好,Amy. 我刚听到一条办公室的小道消息。
A:I know a Sally Smith in Marketing. I don't know anything about her except that she appears to be quite talented.
A:Then why are you talking about her?
A:I'm sorry, Chen Hao. What does this have to do with work?
A:This is gossip. How did you come to know this?
C:会计部的Tim跟Sally是朋友,他告诉了Melissa, Melissa又告诉了我。
A:So, is everyone talking about this now?
C:大家都在传。Amy, 你干嘛那么不高兴,是因为Sally要离婚,替她觉得惋惜吗?
A:No. Well, yes, I am sorry to hear that kind of news, but that is not what is bothering me. Let's talk about this over lunch.
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C:Amy, 你早上干嘛那么生气,是我说错话了吗?
A:You got into a conversation that you shouldn't have at work.
A:We need to have boundaries in the office.
A:Yes. Boundaries or limits on what we talk about in the workplace.
A:Talking about Sally's private life has nothing to do with our work. Whoever started this kind of gossip overstepped the bounds of office friendship.
A:If that is the case, then Sally should have been more careful about choosing her office friends and about what she confided in them.
A:We need to be careful about what we confide to our colleagues. Unless you can trust someone completely and unless you want your private life to become public, be careful what you say to whom.
A:That's true. It's called "small talk." You talk about the weather, what movie you saw last night, your favorite restaurant, where you are going on vacation, but not the personal details of your life.
A:Be careful about what you tell your colleagues. Those who talk to you about others will also talk to others about you.
- 上一篇:新人入职的10个超实用英文句型
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