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教学设计方案Lesson 66

[06-21 12:22:12]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  高一英语教案   阅读:8463
概要:I. disappeared, many, taken, cool / wet, increased, nature, Britain, centers, at, hoped, wildII. A. 1. live 2 .alive / living 3. live 4. livingB. 1. common 2. unusual 3. usual 4. commonStep Ⅷ Homework1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.2.Read the passage again and try to retell the story about milu deer. 教学设计方案Lesson 66由www.77xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.77xue.com上一页 [1] [2] [3]
教学设计方案Lesson 66,标签:外研版高一英语教案,高一英语教案设计,http://www.77xue.com
  I. disappeared, many, taken, cool / wet, increased, nature, Britain, centers, at, hoped, wild

  II. A. 1. live     2 .alive / living    3. live     4. living

    B. 1. common     2. unusual     3. usual    4. common

Step Ⅷ Homework
  1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  2.Read the passage again and try to retell the story about milu deer.

教学设计方案Lesson 66由www.77xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.77xue.com

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