《剑桥英语启蒙》How many…?教学设计及反思
[06-21 11:29:43] 来源:http://www.77xue.com 小学二年级英语教案 阅读:8330次
概要:Show the assessment card. Tell them that the whole course of their acitivity is to be assessed and the best group is the winners.(出示评价卡:1. 积极参与,热情高涨,小组配合默契; 2. 声音洪亮,语音语调基本正确,大胆使用英语; 3. 活动有创意,效果好。 告诉学生们今天所以的活动都将进行评价,最好的小组就是最终的获胜小组。这种学习过程中的评价不仅仅是一种激励,更是一种语言学习的正确导向,很有创意。) T: If you are good at 1 point. That’s OK. You will get a small sticker. If you are good at 2 points. That’s good. You will get a medium sticker. If you are good at 3 points. That’s
《剑桥英语启蒙》How many…?教学设计及反思,标签:科普版小学英语教案,新标准小学英语教案,http://www.77xue.com
Show the assessment card. Tell them that the whole course of their acitivity is to be assessed and the best group is the winners.(出示评价卡:1. 积极参与,热情高涨,小组配合默契; 2. 声音洪亮,语音语调基本正确,大胆使用英语; 3. 活动有创意,效果好。 告诉学生们今天所以的活动都将进行评价,最好的小组就是最终的获胜小组。这种学习过程中的评价不仅仅是一种激励,更是一种语言学习的正确导向,很有创意。)
T: If you are good at 1 point. That’s OK. You will get a small sticker. If you are good at 2 points. That’s good. You will get a medium sticker. If you are good at 3 points. That’s great. You will get a big size sticker. Please try harder.
b. T: Look at this picture,. Which numbers can you see?(CAI显示一至十这十个卡通数字)
Ss: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten.
T: How many numbers can you see? Ss: Ten.
Step 3: Presentation.
a.T:Today we’ll study "How many…?"(CAI)
b.T: Look! Ballons! How many balloons can you see?(课件显示15个飘动的气球)
Ss: 15.
T: Yes, it’s fifteen . 贴英语卡片
c. Use the same method to teach Ss.how to read "fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven".
d.(出示数字卡通卡片,从小学生的心理特点出发,数字拟人化)T:I have five numbers. Guess,what’s in my hand? If you are right, the number is for you.
Ss: Guessing the numbers:11,12,13,14,15.
e.T: Look carefully! What’s missing?(请学生猜猜老师拿走了黑板上的哪张卡片)
f. T:The numbers and the words are good friends. Can you match them?(请学生把数字与英文单词相匹配,同时播放音乐)
【设计意图:进一步渗透本课所学语言知识:" fifteen,fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven",形式上力求有“信息差”,避免无意义的机械性操练,语言的操练在真实运用活动中以游戏形式进行。】
g. T: Boys and girls , are you tired? Let’s do body exercises, OK?Boys and girls.Stand up,please.Do the action and say after me.
Tag:小学二年级英语教案,科普版小学英语教案,新标准小学英语教案,免费教案 - 英语教案 - 小学二年级英语教案
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