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新目标七年级英语下册Unit 2 Where's the post office?第二课时教案及反思

[11-10 12:34:31]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  七年级英语教案   阅读:8540
概要:Look at the picturesPpt.2Give different situations and let Ss give the directionsLook and discuss in group and write it down 3Move around the room and give support as neededDiscuss in groups and finish the writing 4Ask some group leader to show their worksGive report and check it Homework If you want to go to a park with your friend, give him/her the directions. 教学反思:本节是一堂综合课,教师要把本单元的所有内容整合在一起,在练习中要兼顾单词、句型及学生能力的培养;在pair work说的环节,要注意发音的细节;在加强学生听、读
新目标七年级英语下册Unit 2 Where's the post office?第二课时教案及反思,标签:初一英语教案,七年级下册英语教案,http://www.77xue.com

Look at the pictures



Give different situations and let Ss give the directions

Look and discuss in group and write it down



Move around the room and give support as needed

Discuss in groups and finish the writing



Ask some group leader to show their works

Give report and check it



If you want to go to a park with your friend, give him/her the directions.

  教学反思:本节是一堂综合课,教师要把本单元的所有内容整合在一起,在练习中要兼顾单词、句型及学生能力的培养;在pair work说的环节,要注意发音的细节;在加强学生听、读能力的同时不要忽略写的落实。学生的潜力很大,让他们在完成不同任务的过程中发挥他们的想象力和创造力,如本节中给学生不同的图片、让他们指出不同的路线,这样的题目能激发他们的兴趣,考查他们的观察力,同时增加他们运用目标语言的能力。我们要从多角度开发学生的潜能,培养出更多的全面发展的人材。

教案《新目标七年级英语下册Unit 2 Where's the post office?第二课时教案及反思》,来自www.77xue.com网!http://www.77xue.com

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