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[11-09 14:22:51]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  礼仪英语   阅读:8775
概要: | Letters | Resumes | Interview | Negotiation | Salary | Offer | 商务英语 | 礼仪英语 Scream at the boss? Snap at a colleague? Throw your cell phone into your computer monitor?朝老板大喊大叫?对同事厉声斥责?把手机砸在电脑显示器上?In most cases anger isn't an illness but a normal human emotion that causes problems when it flares too hot, too often. People can learn to manage their anger with practical skills.在大多数情况下,愤怒并不是一种疾病,而是一种正常的人类情绪,只不过在过度、过于频繁发生的时候才会导致问题。通过实际的技巧,人们可以学会管

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Scream at the boss? Snap at a colleague? Throw your cell phone into your computer monitor?


In most cases anger isn't an illness but a normal human emotion that causes problems when it flares too hot, too often. People can learn to manage their anger with practical skills.


Psychologists believe that individual talk therapy is the most effective for anger problems. Anger doesn't occur by itself. It's nested and embedded with a lot of other emotions -- sadness, grief, shame. Angry people want to talk, given the opportunity.

心理学家认为,个人对话治疗是解决愤怒问题最有效的方法。愤怒并非单独产生的,它还隐含和嵌入着许多其它情绪,比如伤心、悲痛、羞辱等等。一旦有机会,愤怒的人总是想倾诉。 www.77xue.com哦

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Tips to Help Keep A Temper in Check 有助于控制脾气的小贴士

--Calculate what your anger is costing you. Many people with anger problems think anger gives them an edge, and establishes superiority. Instead, you just look like an idiot.


--Be aware of how you talk to yourself. If you keep saying how awful this is and making yourself feel alike a victim, you will get more angry.


--If you feel a blowup coming on, give yourself a time-out before acting on it. Wait 15 minutes before you say something, or an hour before you send an email. Keep your options open. If it's not going to be important in an hour, then let it go. It's not worth getting angry about.

如果你感觉自己就要大发雷霆,那么不妨在爆发之前稍作停顿。过15分钟再开口,或者是过一个小时再发邮件。给自己多个选择。如果在一个小时之内这件事情变得不再那么重要的话,那么就让它过去吧。它不值得你为之生气。 www.77xue.com哦

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--Keep an "anger log" to monitor what makes you angry. Learn to identify and avoid your triggers.


--Don't ruminate on past affronts or injustices.


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