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I’m looking for the photos that you took in Australia教案

[10-10 21:44:35]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:8462
概要:7.听后说1) 学生大声朗读对话后回答问题:(尽量用自己的语言)Why does Tony want his dad’s photos of Australia? Does he know where to find them? What does Tony want to borrow the camera? Why does Tony want to borrow the camera? Is Tony’s dad surprised that Tony wants to win the photo competition? Does Tony’s dad lend him the camera at once?2)谈论Ton’s father照的三张照片的内容。3) 小结定语从句的用法。8.学以致用Think of somewhere you have visited and which you
I’m looking for the photos that you took in Australia教案,标签:初三英语教案,新目标九年级英语教案,http://www.77xue.com
1) 学生大声朗读对话后回答问题:(尽量用自己的语言)
Why does Tony want his dad’s photos of Australia?
     Does he know where to find them?
     What does Tony want to borrow the camera?
     Why does Tony want to borrow the camera?
     Is Tony’s dad surprised that Tony wants to win the photo competition?
     Does Tony’s dad lend him the camera at once?
2)谈论Ton’s father照的三张照片的内容。
3) 小结定语从句的用法。
Think of somewhere you have visited and which you liked. Make notes about the best things you saw there. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the place you have chosen.
1. I b     you can win it. Try you best!
2. In Australia, there are animals like kangaroos and c        .
3. Just i     that you’re walking in the desert, what do you need the most?
4. Wow! The undersea world is a      !
5. Would you like a h       to find your key?
1. in the southern part of the world                                
2. have a good look at                                          
3. do a project about                                            

I’m looking for the photos that you took in Australia教案由www.77xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.77xue.com
4. alongside the car                                            
5. win the photo competition                                     
6. 在北京市中心                        
7. 三面环水的建筑                                            
8. 最大的英语语言国家                     

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