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Planting trees

[10-15 05:24:51]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:8570
概要: That is, knowledge is indispensable to mankind. (138 words)一、用字解析:1. compass (罗盘)They walked in the forest with a small compass.2. rely on [upon] (信仰)I rely on you to help me.3. bring forth (引起)April showers bring forth May flowers.4. make progress(前进;进步) The ship made slow progress through the canal.She has made a lot of progress in English.5. apparatus[单数集合名词](仪器)Our school has excellent experimental apparatus.6. including(包括) Ten persons were
Planting trees,标签:初三英语教案,新目标九年级英语教案,http://www.77xue.com

   That is, knowledge is indispensable to mankind. (138 words)


  1. compass (罗盘)

  They walked in the forest with a small compass.

  2. rely on [upon] (信仰)

  I rely on you to help me.

  3. bring forth (引起)

  April showers bring forth May flowers.

  4. make progress(前进;进步)

  The ship made slow progress through the canal.

  She has made a lot of progress in English.

  5. apparatus[单数集合名词](仪器)

  Our school has excellent experimental apparatus.

  6. including(包括)

  Ten persons were injured, including three children.

  7. and so forth [= and so on = and the like](等等)

  They discussed literature, philosophy, history, and so forth.

  8. lead(过;度)

  After his father's death, he led a life of poverty for several years.

  9. on the contrary(相反地)

  I thought it was going to clear up.  On the contrary, it began to rain.

  10. get back [= return ](回到)

  They have got back to Taipei.

  11 . primitive(原始的)

  Primitive man made himself primitive tools from sharp stones and animal bones.

  12. pass down [= hand down](流传)

  This custom has been passed down since the 17th century.

  13. indispensable(不可缺少的)

  Air is indispensable to life.



  1. A is to B what C is to D. = A is to B as C is to D. = As C is to D,

  so is A to B.  = What C is to D, A is to B.


  Reading is to the mind as food is to the body.

  2. It + be + 表强调的词语 + that ......

   It was not until yesterday that I knew he had gone to America.

  3. enable + 宾语 + to-V(动词原形)(使能够)

  The internet enables us to gain the latest information.

  4.Were it not for ….. = If it were not for….. = But for….. = Without



   Were it not for you, I would lose my way.

  5. The + 比较级…, the + 比较级…(越…,就越…)

  The harder you work, the more you gain.

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