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Planting trees

[10-15 05:24:51]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:8570
概要:。教师应充分利用这个对话情景,进行对话表演,以提高学生的兴趣,达到自然地呈现新课的目的。教师在上课时,可穿一件旧衣服或工作服,问学生,“I came to school in/I'm wearing my old clothes today. Tomorrow you will come to school in your old clothes. Do you know why?” 这时,学生们可以进行多种猜测。在学生情绪高涨时,教师让他们带着问题听课文录音。在听第一遍录音后,利用本课挂图,再让学生听一至两遍录音。为了帮助他们更好地理解对话的内容和句型,教师此时可将一些关键词写在黑板上,如:: in old clothes, What's happening? Tree Planting Day, Really? Wonderful! 在学生了解了对话的基本内容后,教师可放录音让全班跟读或分角色对话。然后两人一组借助黑板上的关键词来复述或表演。注意这段对话的主要目的是引
Planting trees,标签:初三英语教案,新目标九年级英语教案,http://www.77xue.com

  教师在上课时,可穿一件旧衣服或工作服,问学生,“I came to school in/I'm wearing my old clothes today. Tomorrow you will come to school in your old clothes. Do you know why?” 这时,学生们可以进行多种猜测。在学生情绪高涨时,教师让他们带着问题听课文录音。在听第一遍录音后,利用本课挂图,再让学生听一至两遍录音。为了帮助他们更好地理解对话的内容和句型,教师此时可将一些关键词写在黑板上,如:: in old clothes, What's happening? Tree Planting Day, Really? Wonderful! 在学生了解了对话的基本内容后,教师可放录音让全班跟读或分角色对话。然后两人一组借助黑板上的关键词来复述或表演。注意这段对话的主要目的是引出下面的“instructions”,而且对话中新的语言知识不多,所以不必占用过多的时间。

  在进行了一定的pair work 之后,教师可以要求学生进行表演练习。出示关于植树过程的一组图,让学生回忆植树的经过和步骤,在教师的引导之下,用英语将这些步骤表达出来。

  如:How to choose the ground?

  What should we do for the first step? Dig a hole or knock a stick into the earth?

  What should we do for the second step? Knock a stick into the earth or put the tree into the hole?

  What should we do next? Put the tree into the hole or put the earth back into the hole?

  What should we do next then? Push the earth down hard?

  Tie the tree to the stick or water the tree well. which step comes earlier?


  第44课在Read and act下也有3段对话。但与第41课对话不同。这时学生已学完本单元的语法重点和阅读文章。这3段对话设计的目的在于巩固学生所学的知识,并提供不同情景引导他们实际应用。教师可设计如下3幅简笔画。


  最后教师应鼓励学生实际应用所学知识,如让学生根据第41课的 “instructions”,依照第44课的3段对话,自编对话,进行表演。以下4组对话包括了instructions中所有的注意事项,并尽量使用带情态动词的被动语态。如:

  1. A: Will you help me plant this tree, please?

  B: Of course/Certainly. What do you want me to do?

A: Well, dig a hole large enough for the tree. But don't dig the hole too deep/the hole    should not be too deep.

  B: OK. I've dug a hole. It’s just right.

  2.  A: Good. That's done. Hold this stick while I knock it in.

  B: OK. Make sure that it is straight.

  A: Is it straight (now)?

  B: More or less!

  3. B: What's next?

  A: Put the tree in the hole now/The tree must be put in the hole now.

  B: OK. I've done that.

A: Right. I'll put the earth back in the hole again while you hold the tree straight. Then, let's push the earth down hard with our feet several times.

  4. B: Good. Now the tree must be tied to the top of the stick to keep it straight.

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