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[06-21 11:43:53]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  小学六年级英语教案   阅读:8899
概要: What does this sign mean? What day is it today? It means… What date is it today? must mustn’t When’s your/his/her birthday? should shouldn’t What would you/he/she like as… can can’t 七、教后记 Unit 4 (第二课时)一、教学内容复习第三单元二、教学目标1、复习第三单元四会单词和词组2、复习介词in, on, under, behind, near3、复习be动词
           What does this sign mean?      What day is it today?
           It means…                      What date is it today?
           must    mustn’t                 When’s your/his/her birthday?
           should   shouldn’t               What would you/he/she like as…
           can      can’t                  
Unit 4 (第二课时)
2、复习介词in, on, under, behind, near
Step 1 Free talk
T:  Ask some questions         Ss: Answer the questions
1. What day is it today ?    What day was it yesterday?

2. What date is it today?    What day was it yesterday ?
3. When’s your birthday?
4. Tom was seven three years ago, how old is he now?
5. Mr Green is forty this year, how old was he five years ago?
Step 2 Review the past tense of “be”
1 T: Show the students some toys and ask:
  Where is the camera/diary/ watch ?
  Where are the films/earphones/CDs ?
2 T: (Put these things in a bag and ask)
   Look, they are now in the bag, can you tell me where they were a moment ago?
  Try to tell me one by one.
S: The camera was on the desk a moment ago/just now.
The CDs were near the watch just now.
Step 3 Written work
1 Put the sentences into past tense:
Example: I’m in the library.
       I was in the library this morning.
1) Mike’s skateboard is behind the door.  
2) There are a lot of oranges on the tree. 
3) There isn’t a car near the building. 
4) Tom’s mother is in the kitchen.
Ask the students to practise orally, then write the sentences, check the answer with the class.
Step 4 Consolidation
1 Play a game : Listen and draw
  Ask each student to draw two squares ( The right one means “now”, the left one means ”past”)

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