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Come to the party! Lesson 49

[10-10 21:44:35]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:8505
概要:Lesson 49 教学目标学会口头邀请和应答的常用基本用语。1.A: Would you like to …B: Certainly. I’d love to.2.A: I hope you can …B. Thanks. I’d love to.教学用具录音机,投影仪教学方法将对话放入真实的生活情景中演练。教学步骤Step 1 Revision复习一些相关的单词。Step 2 Presentation可组一组对话:1.A: Next Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my party?B: Oh, thanks very much. I’d love to.A:I hope both Jim and you will come.B: OK.2.A: It’s a fine day today, isn’t it?B: Yes, Why?A: Would you go out for a walk with me?B: I’d love t
Come to the party! Lesson 49,标签:初三英语教案,新目标九年级英语教案,http://www.77xue.com
Lesson 49



1. A: Would you like to …

  B: Certainly. I’d love to.

2. A: I hope you can …

  B. Thanks. I’d love to.






Step 1 Revision


Step 2 Presentation


1. A: Next Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my party?

  B: Oh, thanks very much. I’d love to.

  A:I hope both Jim and you will come.

  B: OK.

2. A: It’s a fine day today, isn’t it?

  B: Yes, Why?

  A: Would you go out for a walk with me?

  B: I’d love to.

  A: I hope Jim will go with us, too.


Step 3 Drill



  教:birthday: the day when you were born

Step 4 Presentation


  打开书,教师解释:be going to, forget to do

  be going to 将要干…

  1. I’m going to have a party next Sunday.

  2. We are going to Xiangshan Park.

  3. Are they going to have a football match tomorrow? Yes, they are.

  forget to do 忘记要做的事

  1. Don’t forget to tell Jim.

  2. I forgot to tell you.

  3. Don’t forget to read the text tonight.

  4. Don’t forget to watch football match.

  5. I forgot to bring my homework.

Step 5 Practice


  同学们两两做pairs work, 练习第一段和第二段,直到较熟悉为止。


Step 6 Consolidation

  做第三部分。教单词:invite: ask sb to come to home film


Step 7 Exercise in class

  1.—Would you like____(go) with us?

   —Yes, I____.

  2. Would you like ____ sweets?

  3.1 remember ____ her at the conference last year.

  4. Don’t forget ____ the letters.

  Keys: 1. to go, ’d love to. 2.some. 3. meeting. 4. to post.

Step 8 Homework

  1. Try to use your own words to make up new dialogues.

  2. Make sentences with the following phrases.

Part 1

  1) come to 2) would love/like to… 3)forget to do/doing 4) hope (a sentence) 5)be sure (a sentence).

Part 2

  6)What a! 7)be going to do/be

Part 3

  8)thank for sth / doing sth 9)be free 10) here be …for sb

Step 9 Blackboard handwriting

Can you …. birthday

I’d love to… invite

I hope you… film

Would you like to …?

Don’t forget to …

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