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Unit 12 You’ re supposed to shake hands-九年级英语教案

[10-10 21:44:35]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:8422
概要:Then say, Fill in the blanks with the words. In some cases, students may need to use another form of the word, for example adjusting for tense or subject/verb agreement. Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own. Check the answers. Five students each read a sentence, filling in the blanks. The rest of the students check their answers. Ask students to make their own sentences with the words, preferably sentences that are meaningful. Move aro
Unit 12 You’ re supposed to shake hands-九年级英语教案,标签:初三英语教案,新目标九年级英语教案,http://www.77xue.com
Then say, Fill in the blanks with the words. In some cases, students may need to use another 

form of the word, for example adjusting for tense or subject/verb agreement.
Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own.
Check the answers. Five students each read a sentence, filling in the blanks. The rest of the 

students check their answers.
Ask students to make their own sentences with the words, preferably sentences that are meaningful.

 Move around the classroom. Collect a few students’ answers with mistakes on the blackboard.

 Then help students correct the mistakes. 
Step Ⅲ Part 2
Go through the instructions with the class. Explain them to students.
Get students to complete the work in pairs.
Invite a few students to read the end of the story. Answers will vary but will probably include 

watching what others do first or asking the host or hostess or one of the guests.
A sample end of the story
…What I finally decided to do was to watch what others do and follow them.
Step Ⅳ Part 3
Do the example with the class to show them how to do a crossword puzzle. Ask students to 

complete the crossword puzzle on their own. Check the answers with the whole class.
Step Ⅴ Just for Fun!
This activity provides reading and speaking practice with the target language.
Ask students what is funny about the cartoon. Help students to explain. The little boy bought his

 grandmother a cat instead of a hat, but his grandmother loves it anyway.
Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework
In this class, we’ve done much writing practice using the key vocabulary words.
After class, please finish off the story in 2 in your textbooks. Then finish off the exercises on pages

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