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七年级英语Sports and Good Health教案

[11-10 12:34:19]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  七年级英语教案   阅读:8358
概要:7. Jenny has a map. I need Jenny's map for my geography report. Am I asking the right question? Please say "yes" or "no." (Would you please let me see your map, Jenny?)8. Listen. What am I talking about? When you know the right answer, write it down on some paper. Then show your answer to a classmate. Were you right? (It's a piece of land. It has the word "land" in it. It's smaller than a continent. It ha
七年级英语Sports and Good Health教案,标签:初一英语教案,七年级下册英语教案,http://www.77xue.com
7. Jenny has a map. I need Jenny's map for my geography report. Am I asking the right question? Please say "yes" or "no." (Would you please let me see your map, Jenny?)
8. Listen. What am I talking about? When you know the right answer, write it down on some paper. Then show your answer to a classmate. Were you right? (It's a piece of land. It has the word "land" in it. It's smaller than a continent. It has water around it. It starts with an i. It's second letter is s, but you don't say the s.)
Have the class play games as a review activity. See "Games" at the back of this teacher's guide for an alphabetical list of games with instructions on how to play.
Here are some recommended games for this lesson’s review.
"Dial a Word" to review nouns in this unit.
"What's my Line?" Use phrases such as:
 Student A: Certainly, I'll show you. This is Japan.
Student B: Will/Would you please show me Japan?
Student A: It's raining in Beijing, today.
Student B: How's/What's the weather in Beijing?
Student A: It's like a huge lake, but it's salty.
Student B: What's a/the "sea"?
Student A: No, I have traveled to Beijing, but I have never traveled outside China.
Student B: Have you been/traveled abroad?
Student A: Yes, Chao is here. Hold on, please.
Student B: May I speak to Chao, please? /Is Chao there?
Student A: No, this is Danny's mother. Hold on, please.
 Student B: Hello, may I speak to Danny? /Hello, is Danny there?
Student A: This is Li Yi speaking.
Student B: Hello, may I speak to Li Yi, please?/ Hello, is Li Yi there?
Student A: You're welcome.
Student B: Thanks/Thanks a lot.
Student A: Okay! Here's the phone. Do you know Jenny's phone number?
Student B: Let's ring up/call Jenny.
Student A: No, he lives in a big city.
Student B: Does he live in a town/village?

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