七年级英语Sports and Good Health教案
[11-10 12:34:19] 来源:http://www.77xue.com 七年级英语教案 阅读:8358次
概要:1. When talking about something mentioned earlier. For example: He picked up a book and read the book.Note that the article "a" is used with the first mention of "book", but the article "the" is used with the following mention of "book."2. When talking about something that the listener knows. For example:Open the door please.In this case, you are not talking about any door.You are talking about a specific d
七年级英语Sports and Good Health教案,标签:初一英语教案,七年级下册英语教案,http://www.77xue.com
1. When talking about something mentioned earlier. For example: He picked up a book and read the book.
Note that the article "a" is used with the first mention of "book", but the article "the" is used with the following mention of "book."
2. When talking about something that the listener knows. For example:
Open the door please.
In this case, you are not talking about any door.
You are talking about a specific door. The listener knows which door you mean.
3. When using with certain proper nouns. For example: The ship sailed on the Pacific Ocean.
In this case, we say "the" Pacific Ocean, not "a" Pacific Ocean. Why?
Because there is only one Pacific Ocean, although it is one of many oceans.
4. When using with plurals of nouns. For example:
A black cat is at the door.
BUT, the black cats are at the door.
Proper Nouns
Proper nouns are names. Compare the following:
Noun Proper Noun
country China
girl Jenny
language English
Articles can be used with any of the nouns listed: a country, the country, a girl, the girl and so on. Articles re used with only some proper nouns. Remember the above example using the Pacific Ocean?
But we say "China, "not the China. Why? Because China is unique. The Pacific Ocean is one of many oceans, so we specify the ocean we mean. But there is only one China, so we don't need to specify or use the word "the."”
Note that we say the United States or the US. And the United Kingdom or the U.K. Why? For the same reason: there are many states in the world (" states” can mean "country”, so we specify which one we mean: the United States. And the world has many kingdoms, so we specify which one we mean: the United Kingdom.
Review the verbs for this lesson. Note that "know" is an irregular verb. It is the only verb to review for this lesson, so if you have time, you may wish to review other irregular verbs as well. Please read about teaching verbs in "Teaching Techniques" at the back of this guide.
Play the audiotape. The aural exercises for this lesson are:
1. Listen to the audiotape. Fill in the blanks. Write the words you hear.
Help! I Can't Find My Apartment! Part One
Erik lives in Norway. He lives in the country. He likes Norway, but he doesn't like the country. He wants to live in the city.
Erik goes to Oslo. Oslo is a big city. He sees a nice apartment. He buys the apartment.
Erik is hungry. He goes to a restaurant. He eats lunch.
Alter lunch, Erik wants to go back to his new apartment. But where is his apartment? All the buildings look the same. He can't remember where his is!
There is no specific reading from the reader to assign as homework for this lesson. This is a chance for students to catch up if they are behind. They should also complete any remaining exercises from the activity book.
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