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Whats that?

[06-21 11:45:11]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  小学六年级英语教案   阅读:8661
概要: Write the sentences on the blackboard. Read the sentences. Correct “this, that.” 用远近不同的对象来作参照物引导学生理解的区别, 用学生本身形象化的直观教具,以唤起学生开口说英语的愿望,从而检测所学过的内容 Step III Practise T does a model. Park work. can you make sentences like this in pairs.师生师范,学生俩俩对话练习句型。(鼓励学生可以用老师作例)
Whats that?,标签:pep六年级英语教案,人教版六年级英语教案,http://www.77xue.com
                        Write the sentences on the blackboard. Read the  
                        sentences. Correct “this, that.” 
                         Step III Practise  
                        T does a model. Park work. can you make sentences like  
                        this in pairs.师生师范,学生俩俩对话练习句型。(鼓励学生可以用老师作例)  
                           Step IV  Picture talking 
                        T: There are some pictures. You can choose one picture  
                        to talk about using the key points.  
                                提供3幅看图说话的图片,学生在Key points 的引导下进行自主说、俩俩说。 
                        Picture A:  Key points: Who’s that? That is  

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