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新目标九年级英语Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 学案及反思-九年级英语教案

[10-10 21:44:35]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:8700
概要: It doesn’t matter if Be afraid ,I couldn’t always either. watch Found very difficult take and Task 4 Intensive-reading Read the article and pay attention to the following sentences, then talk about the usage of important words and phrases. Translate the sentences. 1.first of all I
新目标九年级英语Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 学案及反思-九年级英语教案,标签:初三英语教案,新目标九年级英语教案,http://www.77xue.com

It doesn’t matter if                             


Be afraid               ,I couldn’t always                    either.




Found very difficult                    


take                             and                             

Task 4 Intensive-reading
Read the article and pay attention to the following sentences, then talk about the usage of important words and phrases. Translate the sentences. 
1.first of all 
       If you wish to get a good score in studying, first of all, you must study hard.
      2. It is + adj. for sb. to do sth.  
         It’s easy for me to

教案《新目标九年级英语Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 学案及反思》,来自www.77xue.com网!http://www.77xue.com

 get an A in the English test.
      3. realize  
     He realized that she needed his help at that time.

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