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新目标英语九年级上册Unit 9 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.教案

[10-10 21:44:35]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:8831
概要:Write By the time I came back…on the blackboard. Say to the class, By the time I came in. what had happened? Help one student to answer like this, By the time the teacher came in, Don had written his name on the blackboard. Then get more students to answer differently, such as, By the lime the teacher came in, we had discussed an English problem. By the time the teacher came in, I had drawn a picture. Write these sentences on the blackboard, and
新目标英语九年级上册Unit 9 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.教案,标签:初三英语教案,新目标九年级英语教案,http://www.77xue.com
Write By the time I came back…on the blackboard.
Say to the class, By the time I came in. what had happened?
Help one student to answer like this, By the time the teacher came in, Don had written his name on the blackboard.
Then get more students to answer differently, such as,
By the lime the teacher came in, we had discussed an English problem.
By the time the teacher came in, I had drawn a picture.
Write these sentences on the blackboard, and teach the students to read several times.
Read the instructions to the students and read these questions to the class as well.
What do you usually do in, the morning before school? Do you like morning?
Why or why not?
Choose one good student to answer them by saying something he or she usually does in the morning.
He or she may answer like this,
I usually get up early, wash my face and have breakfast. I like mornings because the air is fresh, or I usually get up as late as possible. Then I have to wash my face and have breakfast in a hurry. I often rush to school without breakfast. Sometimes I forget something at home. I don’t like mornings because I am always too busy.
Then have the whole class practice in pairs. Ask each other the questions.
After they finish talking, ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class. Correct the mistakes they may make with the other students.
Call the students’ attention to the pictures in Activity la. Ask students to tell what they see.
Say, Any sentences which make sense are accepted to describe the pictures.
The girl in the pictures is Tina. Present the new words by providing sentences showing the meanings of them like this:

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《新目标英语九年级上册Unit 9 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.教案》相关文章

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