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Unit 4 Do you like pears?-三年级英语教案

[04-26 05:16:17]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  小学三年级英语教案   阅读:8212
概要:3. The teacher shows them a peach and asks: “Do you like peaches?” Let the pupils answer by themselves. 4. The teacher shows a hot dog and says: I like hot dogs very much. Teach: “very much” and let the pupils read it. 5. Show a cake and say: What about cakes? Do you like cakes? The teacher helps the pupils read and answer it. 6. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue of part A . Step3. Practice 1. Practise the dialogue like
Unit 4 Do you like pears?-三年级英语教案,标签:人教版三年级英语教案,pep三年级英语教案,http://www.77xue.com
3.     The teacher shows them a peach and asks: “Do you like peaches?” Let the pupils answer by 

4.     The teacher shows a hot dog and says: I like hot dogs very much. Teach: “very much” and let 

the pupils read it.
5.     Show a cake and say: What about cakes? Do you like cakes? The teacher helps the pupils read

 and answer it.
6.     Listen to the tape and read the dialogue of part A .
Step3. Practice
1.     Practise the dialogue like this. “Do you like ---? Yes, I do . No , I don’t. Yes, I like it very much. Here you are. Thank you
2.     .”
3.     Group activity. Four pupils in group. They go on a picnic. Show them a list and make a survey. “Do you like ---?”
4.     Act the dialogue.
5.     Use other fruits and food. Make the dialogue and extend the dialogue.
Step4. Assessment
      Let’s learn.  Page 24 of Activity Book.
The third period
Teaching topics: Let’s say. Let’s chant.
Teaching aims: 1. The pupils can read and say these words: peach, pear, orange, OK, queen, quiet.
                 2. The pupils can listen, read say and write the letters: Oo, Pp, Qq correctly.
The key points: The new words and the new letters.
The difficult points: The pupils can listen and draw,read, say and write the letters correctly.
Teaching tools: cards, tape, crayons and pictures.
Teaching time: one period
Teaching steps:
Step1. Warm-up/ Revision
1.    Greetings.
2.    Game: Who has the good memory? For example. I like peaches, apples, hamburgers and ---.
Step2. Presentation

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