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Unit 23 Resuing the temple

[06-21 12:22:03]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  高一英语教案   阅读:8938
概要:Anyone who wants to listen to the talk must come to school at two o'clock 凡是想听报告的人必须两点到校。( 2) 句中的“who wants to”是个省略的说法,其中的to是不定式符号,它代替整个动词不定式,以避免上下文中提到的相同的内容。又如:A: Would you like to go to Ann’s birthday party tomorrow?B: Yes, I’d like to(=I’d like to go to Ann's birthday party tomorrow).Unit 23 Resuing the temple由www.77xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.77xue.com www.77xue.comA:你想明天参加安的生日聚会吗?B:是的,我想去。I went there, because I wanted to(=l wanted to go
Unit 23 Resuing the temple,标签:外研版高一英语教案,高一英语教案设计,http://www.77xue.com

  Anyone who wants to listen to the talk must come to school at two o'clock 凡是想听报告的人必须两点到校。

  ( 2) 句中的“who wants to”是个省略的说法,其中的to是不定式符号,它代替整个动词不定式,以避免上下文中提到的相同的内容。又如:

  A: Would you like to go to Ann’s birthday party tomorrow?

  B: Yes, I’d like to(=I’d like to go to Ann's birthday party tomorrow).

Unit 23 Resuing the temple由www.77xue.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.77xue.com
www.77xue.com   A:你想明天参加安的生日聚会吗?


  I went there, because I wanted to(=l wanted to go there).



  He has to get a job and he is ready (to).


  A: Can you start the car?

  B: OK, I’ll try.



  (4) 在would like和want之后,通常不能省略“to”。例如:

  A: Are you interested in playing football?

  B: Yes, I would like to.



  My parents encouraged me to be a lawyer, but I don't want to.


  (5) 当want和like用于从句中(在when/ if/ what/as之后)对,动词不定式符号“to”常常省略。例如:

  Come when you want. 你什么时候想来,就来吧。

  You may go if you like. 如果想走,你可以走。

  Also,around the area of Aswan there are a lot of important old temples,which date from about 1250 B.C.而且在阿斯旺地区的周围还有许多重要古庙,它们是公元前1250年左右建立的。


  He marred a doctor,which made his parents angry.他娶了位医生,使得他的父母很生气。

  She had two sons,neither of whom was kind to her.她有两个儿子,没一个对她好的。

  The dam, which is the biggest in the world, is 3,830 metres long.


  (1) “…,which is the biggest in the world”是一个非限制性定语从句,它插在主句(The dam is 3,830 metres long)的主语和谓语之间,前后有逗号隔开。例如:

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  The letter, which I got yesterday, lay there unopened.


  (2) 3,830 metres long是名词短语,表示长度,在句中作表语。英语中常用“…metres long/ wide/ high”等表示长度/宽度/高度(=metres in length/ width/height),如课文中的:980 metres wide, 40metes wide, 500 kilometres long. 例如:

  He is a basketball player; he is six feet tall.

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