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Unit 23 Resuing the temple

[06-21 12:22:03]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  高一英语教案   阅读:8938
概要:A:I have got 10000 yuan from writing the book. What shall we do with the money?B: We can go to Paris. I know you like traveling.A: But I’d prefer to buy something we need.B:OK. What about a new TV set ?A:I don’t feel like buying a new one because the one we are using now is still working well.B: I’d like to have a new dress.A:I will buy you a new dress, but now . How about a computer?B:I think that is a good idea. But you’d better get the price f
Unit 23 Resuing the temple,标签:外研版高一英语教案,高一英语教案设计,http://www.77xue.com

  A:I have got 10000 yuan from writing the book. What shall we do with the money?

  B: We can go to Paris. I know you like traveling.

  A: But I’d prefer to buy something we need.

  B:OK. What about a new TV set ?

  A:I don’t feel like buying a new one because the one we are using now is still working well.

  B: I’d like to have a new dress.

  A:I will buy you a new dress, but now . How about a computer?

  B:I think that is a good idea. But you’d better get the price first.

  A:OK. Shall we go to the store right now?

  B: All right. Let’s go.


  1.   Page 89 Ex 3 &4


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