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Unit 23 Resuing the temple

[06-21 12:22:03]   来源:http://www.77xue.com  高一英语教案   阅读:8938
概要:T: I’ll be free this weekend but I don’t know what I should do. Would you give me some advice.S1:Maybe you could watch a good movie.S2:Why don’t you go and help me with my lessons at the weekend ?S3:Why not go shopping and buy some nice clothes ?S4:I think you should go and have a haircut.S5 :You’d better stay at home and have a good rest. Practice III. Ask the Ss to respond to the teacher’s suggestions by using the patterns in the above form.M
Unit 23 Resuing the temple,标签:外研版高一英语教案,高一英语教案设计,http://www.77xue.com

  T: I’ll be free this weekend but I don’t know what I should do. Would you give me some advice.

  S1:Maybe you could watch a good movie.

  S2:Why don’t you go and help me with my lessons at the weekend ?

  S3:Why not go shopping and buy some nice clothes ?

  S4:I think you should go and have a haircut.

  S5 :You’d better stay at home and have a good rest.  

Practice III. Ask the Ss to respond to the teacher’s suggestions by using the patterns in the above form.


  T: You should go to see a movie.

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  S: I think that is a good idea.

  T: Why don’t you go to the theater at weekend?

  S:I don’t feel like doing so.

  T: I’d like you to go to a class to learn English.

  S: I’d like to, but not this weekend. I am so tired that I want to have a good rest.

  T: What about going to my home to have lunch this Saturday?

  S: It is a good idea, but I prefer to have dinner with you in the evening.

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Practice IV. Ask the Ss to make dialogues similar to the one in the text.

Situation: Two students are talking about the plan for their winter vacation.


  A: Hi, what shall we do for the coming winter vacation?

  B:I would like to go to Shanghai.

  A:I think you should stay at home and study because you failed the exam.

  B: I’d like to, but I am sure I will do better next term if I begin to study after I come back. Furthermore, I will study by myself.

  A: Why don’t you go to a class instead.

  B:I will consider your idea.

Dialogue  Production

  Ask the Ss to make new dialogues according to the situations given below.

Situation :Two friends meet in the street. A wants to invite B to have dinner at home.


  A: Hi! I haven’t seen you for a long time. Shall we have dinner together?

  B: How about the small restaurant over there?

  A: It is too noisy. I prefer to eat in a quiet place.

  B:I think we should go to a big restaurant.

  A: It’s too expensive.

  B: Why not go to the McDonald’s?

  A: It’s Ok. But I don’t like the fast food.

  B: So where do you want to go ?

  A: I’d like to invite you to my house.

  B: That’s a good idea. Let’s go.

Situation :A has earned 10,000 yuan by writing a book. He is talking with his wife (B) about how to spend the money.

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